What does it mean to Invest in 360 Health?
360 Health ACO REACH is an advanced approach to medical care. With the combined effort of our team of ACO REACH members we will conquer new methodologies to provide coordinated care and enhanced benefits to these beneficiaries while maintaining their Medicare health coverage.
In the 360 Health network, there are primary care providers and there are specialists. The primary care providers are called Participant Providers and will be able to receive a monthly capitation payment for every member they enroll in the program. They also will be eligible to participate in the Shared Saving Pool for a bonus payment at the end of each performance year.
Our home health, palliative care and hospice programs include multi-disciplinary professionals. We use advanced IT software to allow us to coordinate care between team members with the enhanced data to deliver excellent care to our beneficiary population.
Being an investor in 360 Health ACO REACH is an opportunity for you to have ownership in the Forefront of Changing Healthcare. If you are interested in learning more, please contact we will share our goals with you.